Monday, January 27, 2020

Feminism in India

Feminism in India Introduction Gender Equality and Feminism have become growing topics all around the globe during the past half a century, with women organizing and protesting against the stereotypes imposed upon them by the men. Several theories exist about how these stereotypes and inequalities came about, with some people arguing that it is caused by the chauvinistic nature innately present in all human beings, with others rejecting this as a â€Å"lazy† argument to make, and attributing it to more specific causes. In the times of hunter-gatherers, the women occupied an equal status to that of men, and everyone had to contribute in order to survive and bring up the young ones. As agriculture started to appear, along with importance to ownership of land, the patriarchal form of society started dominating the scene, as men were bestowed with the duty to acquire and defend property, and hence the passing down of property down the line of male descendants (patrilineal) became relevant, thus side-lining the women in the society. With the growth of capitalism, the importance of the nuclear family had increased, which required the male to be employed, typically in industries, in order to earn income, and the women would have to stay at home and look after the domestic needs such as cooking, and raising of children, etc. The reason for this was that the main means of production was the modern nuclear family, and so this setup was promoted as the norm in order to maximise market gains and increase efficiency[1]. This effect of capitalism along with the patriarchal nature of most societies is what many argue to be the major reason behind the stigmatization and stereotyping of women as weaker, and restricted to household work. Challenging these notions, feminist movements have been seen in several countries of the world, thereby ensuring that the women in their country had rights and were relatively equal to the men, preventing further social downtrodding of women. Several countries have all owed women to join the army even, with some sending them into combat as well[2], in order to promote gender equality and inspire women to believe in themselves and change the way society looks at women. However, the situation in India is quite different. Gender inequality is rampant here, and nearly in every sphere of life, women are marginalized and oppressed, viewed as mere tools or property possessed by men. India witnesses the second highest amount of gender inequality in all of Asia, second only to the Taliban-ruled Afghanistan[3]. However, some feminist movements have been seen even in India, however their task is much more difficult here due to a vast number of reasons which will be discussed in depth in this project with the help of some interviews of Indian feminist social activists. Methodology The first step I took towards this project was to search for social activists in India who had made contributions to the feminist movement, and identified some feminists out of whom I had picked the interviews of Dr. Vandana Shiva[4], Dr. Sarojini Sahoo[5], Ms. Flavia Agnes[6] and Mrs. Madhu Kishwar[7]. Of these, Dr. Vandana Shiva would be the most prominent activist, who has written several books for the cause of feminism and making the women of India aware of such discrimination, and also won the Fukuoka Prize in 2012[8]. Dr. Sarojini Sahoo is also a well-known activist who has written several books about gender and sexuality, and won the Laadli Media Award in 2011, and her interview offers us the most information regarding the topic, and therefore is the central interview for the purposes of this project. From all the interviews, a few major issues have been identified and then analysed with the help of other sources, and their impact on the society at large is shown. The activist s are generally in agreement with each other, and usually only the main focus of their argument is what changes. I have also identified a handful of interviews of feminists from countries other than India in order to compare them with those of the Indian feminists, and this affirm what is it that makes the feminist movement in India more essential and complicated than in other countries. Core Chapter After going through the interview[9] of Christina Hoff Sommers, a feminist activist from the USA, we can tell that the main focus of the interview is on improving women representation in politics, and mostly to disillusion women from several other schools of feminism which she believes to be false and misleading to the women population at large. This shows that feminism has already successfully granted them basic social equity in the USA. The interview[10] of Perla Vasquez, a feminist from Mexico, has also been identified and analysed. The major issues in this as well mostly comprise of economic and political difficulties faced by women in Mexico. This is in contrast with the stage in India as we can deduce from the 4 interviews analysed for the sake of this project, where the focus is on basic discrimination of women in the social field, and to stop the many forms of injustice suffered by them daily, and in almost every sphere of life. The major points of difference I have identified from these interviews is the basis of patriarchal values and oppression of women being strongly embedded with religious tradition, particularly Hinduism, since the later Vedic period; and the second being the rampant cases of sexual violence against women all around the country. It is this basic factor which makes feminism so much more essential in India, especially the rural places, and the reinforcement of patriarchy in the Hindu tradition, and the fact that a large majority of India is still religious, makes it much more difficult to acquire the goals of social equality and basic dignity for women. Effect of Culture and Traditions In her interview, Sarojini Sahoo states â€Å"At one time in India in the ancient Vedic period there were equal rights between men and women and even feminist law makers like Gargi and Maitreyi. But the later Vedic period polarized the sexes. Males oppressed females and treated them as other or similar to a lower caste.†[11] This statement has been proven to be true, and women had indeed enjoyed a position of equal rights to those of males in the Vedic period, with women being venerated, and the prevalence of several Goddesses and female Deities in the Hindu tradition from that time, further reinforcing their position in society[12]. However, during the time following the Vedic period, the situation of women deteriorated much further down. With the arrival of the Dharma Shastras, the Patriarchal form of society was stressed and promoted, causing the oppression of women in the society. However, most people argue that it is during the time of the Mughals when women in India became truly secluded, although there is evidence of such being practiced as early as during the time of Asoka.[13] The Smritis were another reason which led to the side-lining of women in the later Vedic society, which reflected the legislators’ chauvinistic nature in enforcing traditions and practices which led to the further o ppression and control of women in the society by males, and laws which lacked all notions of equity and justice. These causes led to a solidification of a society where women were treated worse than Shudras (untouchables)[14], suffering several inequalities from the men every day. This has continued for a long time, with practices such as the Dowry system and the system of Sati being followed widely all over India when the British had arrive, and had not declined until the British Empire issued legislations banning the practice of Sati[15], following which it slowly started declining. The dowry system was originally only prevalent in the middle class who actually owned property which they could give away for dowry, but later was adopted even by the poorer sections of society, often resulting in cases where one would give away a lifetime of savings as dowry. It was banned by the Government of India in 1961, by the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, but the practice of dowry is still very much prevalent almost everywhere in India, especially in the villages where the law has little effect. This gives rise to a social horror known as Dowry death, which will be discussed under the next topic. Another issue arising out of traditions is that women are assumed to be weaker, and are made to stay at home and taught how to perform household work such as cooking and cleaning, and are not allowed to take part in most social events. As a result, most parents do not allow their daughters to go to school, and make them stay at home and learn household skills. As a result, while 76% of men are literate in India, only 54% of women are literate[16]. This indicates how much of an effect such traditions and notions can have on a country as a whole. Violence against women One of the major issues discussed by almost every feminist in their interview is dowry death. This is a practice where the bride is killed when her family does not give a large enough dowry. It has in fact been on the increase, seen largely throughout North India[17]. This has caused women to be looked upon as a burden in their family of birth. Sarojini Sahoo has stated the same in her interview, describing how women are usually viewed in society: â€Å"An unmarried daughter seen as a spinster even in her late twenties brings shame upon her parents, and is a burden. But once married, she is considered the property of her in-laws.†[18] This burden leads to wanting a male child over a female one, along with the fact that the Dharma Shastras and other texts of Hindu religion which make a son more desirable than a daughter due to the fact they can inherit, carry on the name, and only a son can perform the last rites of his father/grandfather. This leads to the social practice of female infanticide, which has been on the increase in India. It is basically the act of killing young female children, as their parents want a male child. This has caused the sex ratio to drop in India over the years. India has a child sex ratio of 914:100, as of 2011.[19] Next is the actual physical violence against women, which is very widespread in India compared to all the other nations. India has of late become famous for rape, following the Delhi rape case. A statement from Madhu Kishwar regarding such violence aptly sums up a variety of such problems prevalent in India: â€Å"Another main issue is sexual violence of all kinds, from what goes by the name of â€Å"eve-teasing†, which is a very mild, insulting word used to describe what goes from pinching and rubbing to lewd comments to physical violence, hitting you†¦ Then there is rape of all kinds†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [20] Sexual violence is at its highest in India. Some theorize that this is the backlash of a strong patriarchal society[21] witnessing westernization of women. It is the biggest social issue in all of India, and is the major reason why India needs feminism. The final problem to be discussed is the fact that marital rape is to this day not criminalized in India. The Indian Penal Code has no sanction against this act. The only recourse for the wife is to ask for divorce and leave her husband, but apart from that, there is no punishment meted out to the husband/rapist. Domestic violence also has a separate law which many say is not stringent enough, thus making it prevalent in countless areas of the country. Flavia Agnes addresses the topic in her interview: â€Å"In a society where marriage is the norm, the ultimate power rests with the husband.† To sum up the issue of violence, a statement from Vandana Shiva fits perfectly: â€Å"This violent economic order can only function as a war against people and against the earth, and in that war, the rape against women is a very, very large instrument of war. We see that everywhere. And therefore, we have to have an end to the violence against women.†[22] Conclusion We have seen how the dawn of private ownership of land and property gave rise to the Patriarchal society, pushing women to a side role, and how this was further solidified by the rise of capitalism and its need for the nuclear family and the â€Å"ideal setup† for division of labour. We then discussed how it originated in India, and how the Vedic period originally had great equality for the women in their society, and how that status deteriorated over time due to the Dharma Shastras and the Smritis, giving rise to traditions like dowry and sati. We have seen how these practices came about, the efforts of the government to curb them, and the effectiveness of these laws. We also see how the traditions affected the rate of literacy among girls drastically, and then how dowry leads to murder in several cases, and how this burden then leads to female infanticide, and the culmination of all these oppressive traditions leading to the sexual violence against women due to them being vi ewed as weaker, or as property, and finally how the law even now is quite unfair with regard to women, denying them any just recourse marital rape, despite several protests for the sake of the same. To conclude, we have seen how gender inequality has its own unique points in India, and how it is all the more essential for India to learn feminism, and the higher difficulty of actually bringing about changes in this society. Bibliography JSTOR The Hindu The National Geographic The Times of India Foundation for Sustainable Development The Guardian [1] Systems of Stratification : Gender in Capitalist Society, The Red Phoenix, available atà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ­-à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¬gender-in-capitalist-society/ [2] 8 Other Nations That Send Women to Combat, The National Geographic, available at [3] Gender equality in India among worst in world, The Times of India, available at [4] Vandana Shiva on Int’l Women’s Day: Capitalist Patriarchy Has Aggravated Violence Against Women, Democracy Now, available at [5] Feminism in India Conversation with Indian Feminist Sarojini Sahoo, Linda Lowen, available at [6] Feminism in India: violence, trades, Carol Ann Douglas and Alice Henry, available at [7] Feminism in India, Carol Ann Douglas, available at [8] Fukuoka Prize for Vandana Shiva, The Hindu, available at [9] The Future of Feminism: An Interview with Christina Hoff Sommers, Scott London, available at [10] An interview with feminist activist Perla Vasquez, available at [11] Feminism in India Conversation with Indian Feminist Sarojini Sahoo, Linda Lowen, available at [12] Women in Vedic Culture, Stephen Knapp, available at [13] Indian Woman Down the Ages, LR Nair, available at [14] Role of Vedas in Degradation of Status of Women in India, available at [15] Bengal Sati Regulation Act, 1829 [16] Gender Equity Issues in India, Foundation for Sustainable Development, available at [17] Rising number of dowry deaths in India: NCRB, Ignatius Pereira, The Hindu, August 6, 2013, available at [18] Feminism in India Conversation with Indian Feminist Sarojini Sahoo, Linda Lowen, available at [19] India loses 3 million girls in infanticide, The Hindu, [20] Feminism in India, Carol Ann Douglas, available at [21] Sexual violence in India is a patriarchal backlash that must be stopped, Priya Virmani, The Guardian, available at [22] Vandana Shiva on Int’l Women’s Day: Capitalist Patriarchy Has Aggravated Violence Against Women, Democracy Now, available at

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Prostate Cancer Life Experiences Health And Social Care Essay

Each twelvemonth in the UK around 10, 150 dice from prostatic malignant neoplastic disease. Prostate malignant neoplastic disease decease rates peaked in the early 1990s and have since fallen by around 20 % . Variation in incidence rates around the universe and within states, suggests that hazard is affected by ethnicity. In the UK, black Caribbean and black African work forces have about two to three times the hazard of being diagnosed or deceasing from prostate malignant neoplastic disease than white work forces, while Asiatic work forces by and large have a lower hazard than the national norm. The purpose of this systematic reappraisal is to set up what is meant by prostate malignant neoplastic disease and the life experiences of patients with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease undergoing intervention. To accomplish these aims, with the aid of the PIO formatted inquiry, research surveies will be searched from different databases, from specialist diaries, cyberspace, and gray literature, in-touch with writers and from manus seeking. With the aid of two research workers with a 3rd individual to cover with confliction sentiments, informations will be extracted from the published surveies, which will be themed and differentiated with colour codifications. It will be analyzed consequently with the aid of standardised signifiers. From this reappraisal, nurses will understand what prostate malignant neoplastic disease agencies and they will happen it easier to cover with these patients when they are faced with this sort of state of affairs.Chapter ONE: Background1.1 Specifyin g equivocal footingsThe prostate is a secretory organ in a adult male ‘s generative system. It makes and shops seminal fluid, a milky fluid that nourishes sperm. This fluid is released to organize portion of seeds. The prostate is about the size of a walnut. It is located below the urinary vesica and in forepart of the rectum. It surrounds the upper portion of the urethra, the tubing that empties piss from the vesica. If the prostate grows excessively big, the flow of urine can be slowed or stopped. To work decently, the prostate needs male endocrines ( androgens ) . Male endocrines are responsible for male sex features. The chief male endocrine is testosterone, which is made chiefly by the testiss. Some male endocrines are produced in little sums by the adrenal secretory organs. Prostate malignant neoplastic disease is a malignant tumour that arises in the prostate secretory organ. As with any malignant neoplastic disease, if it is advanced or left untreated in early phases, it may finally distribute through the blood and lymph fluid to other variety meats. Prostate malignant neoplastic disease occurs about entirely in work forces over age 40 and most frequently after age 50. Two-thirdss of prostate malignant neoplastic diseases are found in work forces over age 65. By age 70, approximately 65 % of work forces have at least microscopic grounds of prostate malignant neoplastic diseases. Fortunately, the malignant neoplastic disease is normally really slow growth and older work forces with the malignant neoplastic disease typically die of something else. As they do for most malignant neoplastic diseases, physicians use the TNM system of prostate malignant neoplastic disease phases. The prostate malignant neoplastic disease phases are described utilizing three different facets of tumour growing and spread. It ‘s called the TNM system for tumour, nodes, and metastasis. T stands for tumour ; it describes the size of the chief country of prostate malignant neoplastic disease. N stands for nodes ; it describes whether prostate malignant neoplastic disease has spread to any lymph nodes and to what extent. M stands for metastasis ; it means distant spread of prostate malignant neoplastic disease, for illustration, to the castanetss or liver. There are other ways of sorting prostate malignant neoplastic disease, such as the Gleason system. Sometimes, the TNM system and Gleason mark are combined together to depict prostate malignant neoplastic disease phase. In phase I, prostate malignant neoplastic disease is found in the prostate mere ly. Phase I prostate malignant neoplastic disease is microscopic ; it ca n't be felt on a digital rectal test ( DRE ) , and it is n't seen on imagination of the prostate. In phase II, the tumour has grown inside the prostate but has n't extended beyond it. Stage III prostate malignant neoplastic disease has spread outside the prostate, but merely hardly. Prostate malignant neoplastic disease in phase III may affect nearby tissues, like the seminal cysts. In phase IV, the malignant neoplastic disease has spread ( metastasized ) outside the prostate to other tissues. Stage IV prostate malignant neoplastic disease normally spreads to lymph nodes, the castanetss, liver, or lungs. Accurately placing the prostate malignant neoplastic disease phase is highly of import. Prostate malignant neoplastic disease phase helps find the optimum intervention, every bit good as forecast. For this ground, it ‘s deserving traveling through extended testing to acquire the right prostate malignant neoplastic disease phase.1.2 Types of prostate malignant neoplastic diseaseThere are many types of prostate malignant neoplastic disease and the status is frequently present in many different parts of the prostate. The precursor to prostate malignant neoplastic disease is known as prostate intraepithelial neoplasia, this is besides found in many different locations within the prostate. Although there are many different sorts of prostate malignant neoplastic disease the huge bulk ( around 95 % ) are of the type known as glandular cancer. As this is the most broad spread from it has become synonymous with the term prostrate malignant neoplastic disease.AdenocarcinomaThe most commo n site of beginning of prostate malignant neoplastic disease is in the peripheral zone ( the chief glandular zone of the prostate ) . The term glandular cancer can be split up to deduce its significance. Adeno means ‘pertaining to a secretory organ ‘ , whilst Carcinoma relates to a malignant neoplastic disease that develops in epithelial cells. The term epithelial merely relates to cells that surround organic structure variety meats or secretory organs. aldara and basal cell carcinomaSmall cell carcinomaThis sort of malignant neoplastic disease is made up of little unit of ammunition cells, and typically signifiers at nervus cells. Small cell carcinoma is really aggressive in nature and as it does non take to an addition in prostatic specific antigens it can be slightly harder to observe than adenocarcinoma ; this normally means that it has reached an advanced signifier upon sensing.Squamous cell carcinomaThis is a non glandular malignant neoplastic disease, like little cell carcinoma there is no addition in prostatic specific antigens when this is present. Squamous cell carcinoma is really aggressive in nature. There are other, more rare, signifiers of prostate malignant neoplastic disease these include sarcomas and transitional cell carcinoma ; the latter seldom develops in the prostate but derives from primary tumours present in the vesica or urethra.1.3 Symptoms and experiencesSymptomsThere are no warning marks or symptoms of early prostate malignant neoplastic disease. Once a malignant tumour causes the prostate secretory organ to swell significantly, or one time malignant neoplastic disease spreads beyond the prostate, the following symptoms may be present: A frequent demand to urinate, particularly at dark. Trouble get downing or halting the urinary watercourse. A weak or interrupted urinary watercourse. A painful or firing esthesis during micturition or interjection. Blood in piss or seeds. Lower back hurting Pain with intestine motion These are non symptoms of the malignant neoplastic disease itself. Alternatively, they are the symptoms of the obstruction from the malignant neoplastic disease growing within the prostate and environing tissues. Symptoms of advanced prostate malignant neoplastic disease include: Dull, ceaseless deep hurting or stiffness in the pelvic girdle, lower back, ribs or upper thighs ; creaky hurting in the castanetss of those countries. Loss of weight and appetency, weariness, sickness, or emesis. Swelling of the lower appendagesExperiencesConfronting the world of malignant neoplastic disease diagnosing Taking an effectual portion in malignant neoplastic disease intervention Prolonging an optimistic spirit, prolonging physically, decreasing the impact of malignant neoplastic disease on others. The experiences of religious agony and the curative procedure among patient with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease.1.4 Gaps within literatureSystematic reappraisals aim to place, measure and sum up the findings of all relevant single surveies, thereby doing the available grounds more accessible to determination shapers ( Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, 2009, pv ) . In-order to acquire a concluding verification with this subject, a thorough hunt for any old reappraisals or any on-going reappraisals on this subject was searched from different resource centres. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews ( CDRS ) , which consists of the most dependable up-to-date systematic reappraisals, was searched as the first electronic database. Other resources such as nursing databases, specializer diaries the National research registry and Google bookman hunt was explored to see if any reappraisals, similar to this subject was in procedure or already commenced by any research worker.Chapter Two: AimSystematic reappraisals are sum-ups of all past research on a specific subject. Unlike the traditional attack to reexamining literature, systematic reappraisals utilise the same rules and asperity that is expected of primary research. As the name suggests, they are systematic in their attack and utilize methods that are pre-planned and documented in a systematic reappraisal protocol. The protocol fulfils the same function as a research proposal as each measure in the reappraisal procedure is to the full described ( The Joanna Briggs Institute for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery, 2001, An Introduction to Systematic Reviews Changing Practice Vol 2 Iss 1 ) . The systematic reappraisal on the other manus uses a really strict research methodological analysis to seek and restrict prejudice in all facets of the review- in this sense it is close to a primary research- such as a study, where the participants are non people but instead the documents included in the reappraisal. â€Å" Most significantly systematic reappraisals normally aim to reply a specific inquiry or trial a specific hypothesis, instead than merely summarizing â€Å" all there is to cognize † about a peculiar issue † ( Pettigrew and Roberts, 2006 ) or put another manner, â€Å" Systematic reappraisal represents the usage of a standardised indifferent method to synthesize informations from multiple primary surveies † .2.1 Developing a research inquiryAn effectual clinical inquiry for evidence-based nursing includes a concern that person else had studied, focuses on a concern that can be measured or described, and is a concern that is relevant to nursing ( Macnee and McCabe, 2008, p 6 ) . It helps to take the research worker in the way of right way, since the inquiry is based on a specific frame of constituents. These constituents include the population, intercession ( or exposures ) , and outcomes related to the job posed in the reappraisal ( Khalid et al 2009, p 9 ) .For this reappraisal, the PIO construction is used and this deciphers into the three fragments such as the population, issue and the result. The inquiry below is the devised one, after holding with the above considerations.â€Å" What are the life experiences of patient ‘s with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease undergoing intervention? †2.2 AimsTo understand the life experiences of patients with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease undergoing interventions. To do recommendations for nursing pattern in relation to acknowledging coverage and moving upon the study of prostatic malignant neoplastic disease patients.2.3 PlanThis reappraisal is planned to follow the five stairss mentioned below, guaranting the phases of EBN procedure: Develop a clear focussed inquiry to the country of personal involvement and will help to those in the line of work. With the aid of the disconnected inquiry, relevant literature will be searched in an effort to acquire an reply to the focussed inquiry. Critical assessment of the selected documents, to guarantee the quality of the surveies with the aid of checklists. Analyzing the documents in-depth, to come up with consequences and decisions which would act upon the up-to-date work in clinical scenes and a demand to alter for the improvement is let obvious. Finding the cogency and quality of this reappraisal through the taken findings, urging for farther researches and use the consequences within the profession.Chapter Three: CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERING STUDIES WITHIN REVIEWThe inquiry plays an of import function when it comes to seek for relevant documents. Using the formatted attack of the inquiry ; ‘who ‘ , when, what and where, will make a great trade to assist in the hunt for the best available grounds to acquire the reply to the inquiry ( Macnee and McCabe, 2008, p7 ) . Therefore, an inclusion and exclusion standards to the PIO structured inquiry was applied ; and principles provided for the divided classs.3.1 PopulationPatients with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease Based on the inquiry, patients who are diagnosed with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease were taken as the cardinal population group since this is the mark group which needs to be cared. Initially it was thought to unite grownups who are holding prostate malignant neoplastic disease. But on stab of scruples this age group to be smaller and since it is related to a really sensitive, so it was so decided to maintain fixed with patients merely. It will be besides considered to look into a specific prostate malignant neoplastic disease patient, but although sufficient researches were done on most of the common type of prostate malignant neoplastic disease, the aims of the reappraisal were difficult to be met. As a consequence, it was once more distinct to allow it be patients with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease. The same manner, sex differentiating would besides hold meant to do a narrow literature hunt so merely one sex is included in this survey. Merely male patients are included because the reappraisal is on prostate malignant neoplastic disease. No hunt restrictions will be made upon race, ethnicity or faith sine this reappraisal is typically based on the sensitive subject such as prostate malignant neoplastic disease. Premises can non be made sing an person ‘s perceptual experience in relation to cultural, faith and cultural backgrounds ( McSherry, 2006, p 911 ) . Apart from that, this reappraisal might supply to be a valuable penetration to the clinical scenes of those with specific faith and civilization sing prostate malignant neoplastic disease patients.3.2 IssueTreatments Most of the aims in this reappraisal depend on the interventions and patient ‘s perceptual experiences. Furthermore, it will be looking loosely into all countries where interventions are concerned.3.3 Outcome stepsExperiences Since the focal purpose of this reappraisal is to garner patients life experiences or perceptual experiences, these will be gathered largely from the interviews and questionnaires used in the surveies. The result is based chiefly upon the elements in the undermentioned tabular array. Experiences Percepts Adaptations3.4 Types of surveies includedQualitative survey designs are used in the reappraisal since it was taking to happen the life experiences of patients with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease. The common constituents of qualitative surveies such as grounded theory, phenomenology, descriptive anthropology and historical surveies will be included since this types look into the experient live of patients.3.5 Overview of exclusion standardsDepending on the research inquiry, the below mentioned classs are excluded from the hunt class. Childs Female Patients Disabled Patients Age & lt ; 30Quantitative surveiesChapter FOUR: Search SchemeThe literature will be searched in respect to the formed inquiry and the formatted divisions it consists to the footings population, issue and the results, including the specifically developed exclusion standards. Types of surveies which will be included were mentioned in the old chapter. The literature hunt will be searched in a systematical manner guaranting non to exclude any of import survey sing the subject. It will be done following measure by measure method as in Evidence Based Nursing ( EBN ) which is explained as it ‘s processed.4.1 Step one and two ( Development of research Question and placing cardinal words )This is the measure, where the research inquiry is developed. The research inquiry is so explicitly divided harmonizing to structured PIO format. The Question is: â€Å" What are the life experiences of patient ‘s with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease undergoing intervention? † The tabular array below shows the PIO format in which the inquiry was formatted: Phosphorus I Oxygen Patients with Prostate malignant neoplastic disease Treatments Life Experiences4.2 Making equivalent word for cardinal wordsThe above measure identified the cardinal words. Synonyms are made for the key footings, which will heighten the sensitiveness of the hunt increasing the ability to capture a big part of the relevant surveies ( Khalid et al, 2009, p 24 ) . It was difficult to happen the equivalent word related to the cardinal words. However, as mentioned by Khalid et Al ( 2009 ) , the mesh-like footings were easy to happen from the indexing of some relevant surveies ( largely found from the abstract ) , and with the aid of synonym finder of the computing machine. Below table demonstrates the equivalent word for the formatted inquiry. Population ( P ) Issue ( I ) Outcomes ( O ) Patients with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease Treatments Life Experiences Prostate carcinoma Treatments Adaptations Prostate tumor Treatments Percepts4.3 Step four, five and six ( uniting equivalent word with Boolean operators )The equivalent word made in the old tabular array is used to organize a grid, which will be combined to the footings ‘OR ‘ and ‘AND ‘ of the Boolean operators. The purpose of this symbols or wild cards will assist to acquire a wider hunt but within the needful class restricting the unwanted ( Littell et al, 2008 ) the word ‘OR ‘ would unite all the words and footings capturing a constituent of the inquiry giving a big commendation set for each constituent that was searched for ( Khalid et al, 2009, p 26 ) . Then this will be combined with the Boolean ‘AND ‘ to bring forth a set which contains commendations relevant to all the assorted constituents of the inquiry ( Khalid et al, 2009, p 26 ) . This procedure is demonstrated in the tabular array 4.31 below. Table 4.3.1 Combination of cardinal words with Boolean operators Search scheme and database hunt CINAHL Sequence 1 Population/ Patients Sequence 2 Intervention/ Issue Sequence 3 Results Boolean operators AND AND AND OR Prostate malignant neoplastic disease Treatments Experiences OR Patients with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease Treatments Life Experiences OR Prostate carcinoma Treatments Adaptations OR Prostate tumor Treatments Percepts These Boolean operators combined with the cardinal words, is of import to be run electronically with multi databases for a more comprehensive sum-up of the literature ( Littell et al, 2008, p 55 ) . However, the databases relevant for one subject might non be utile for another, since the pick of seeking a relevant database depends on the subject chosen. Therefore, the searching databases will be: Accumulative index to nursing and allied wellness literature ( CINAHL ) Medline Ovid EMBASE British Nursing Index Allied and Complementary Medicine ( AMED ) PsycINFO Apart from the databases, seeking for relevant documents will be done by reading the mention list, cyberspace searching, specialist diary, gray literature, manus searching and besides with in touch with the writers of some research documents merely to see the handiness of unpublished work.Chapter FIVE: Method OF REVIEWThis chapter consists of three subdivisions which would be clarified in item as it is being processed. The stairss include, choice of the documents, measuring of the documents and pull outing the relevant informations which is needed to reply the inquiry. Since research worker prejudice, deficiency of asperity and demand for appraised quality is frequently perplexing with the qualitative documents ( Dixon-woods, 2001, p 765 ) a 2nd research worker will be involved throughout these phases. Suppose if any dissensions or sentiment difference occur, a 3rd party will be included to increase the asperity of the reappraisal. Final determination will be done after coming to an understanding between the three research workers.5.1 Part one- procedure of choosing surveies for the inclusion within the reappraisalThe antecedently made inclusion and exclusion standards will be used as a pilot one and alterations will be made consequently once the existent choice is carried out. Concluding inclusion and exclusion will be done after scrutiny of the full book. However, the tabular array 5.1.2 shows the checklist signifier, which will be used in the choice procedure. Inclusion standards Exclusion standards Population Male patients Age & gt ; 30 Experiencing Prostate malignant neoplastic disease Female patients Disabled Patients Children Age & lt ; 30 Intervention Treatments Results Experiences Percepts Adaptations Type of surveies Qualitative research design Case surveies Review papers Quantitative studyTable 5.1.1Checklist signifier demoing the inclusion and exclusion standards During the first choice, merely the rubrics and abstracts of all articles retrieved from the hunt will be screened with the aid of the signifier. The tabular array below is the sample checklist which will be used as a showing during this phase. It will be ticked as ‘Yes ‘ , ‘No ‘ or ‘Unsure ‘ , after traveling through with each phase of the paper with the aid of the 2nd research worker to keep its asperity. Table 5.1.2 Checklist for the first choice of documents based on rubric and abstract only/Bibliographic inside informations of paper ( Abstract and rubric ) Abstract NO Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3 Paper 4 Paper 5 Paper 6 Paper 7 Paper 8 Paper 9 Paper 10 P= Patients with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease I= Treatments O= Life Experiences Qualitative survey Action Include/exclude? ACTION-Rationale: Y=Yes: Fits standards N=No: Does non suit the standards U=Unsure: Read paperMeasure twoAs in the first choice, the 2nd choice besides will utilize the same technique with the same checklist. However, as mentioned before a 3rd party will be involved if any uncertainness arises among the pickers, to guarantee a just choice heightening the cogency and quality of the documents. In this choice, the documents which had been filtered through the first choice will be more thoroughly read largely with the full text and restrictions will be done consequently with the checklist used as mentioned above with the aid of the research workers.5.2 Part two- Assessment of the methodological quality of the selected documentsAppraisal of survey quality gives an indicant of the strength of grounds provided by the reappraisal, inform the criterion required for the hereafter research, and reply the inquiry whether the surveies are robust plenty to steer intervention, diagnostic or policy determinations ( Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, 2009, p 33 ) . Although assorted tools are available for quality appraisal, the usage of McMaster ‘s qualitative model was thought to be the best. McMaster ‘s model assures to hold the cogency of the conducted research by giving a rational for each and every component of the survey with the needful accounts, therefore offering an efficient frame work for qualitative critical reappraisals ( Letts et al, 2007 ) . A clean transcript of the signifier is provided in the Appendix. This signifier will be used to mensurate the quality of the chosen documents and it will be used to review all the documents in this reappraisal. The quality of this reappraisal will be carried harmonizing to the elements to derive trustiness in qualitative research such as credibleness, transferability, dependableness, confirmability and as besides triangulation which is known to cover multiple beginnings to derive the cogency. These will be run in visible radiation to the McMaster ‘s model. Each component will be individually explored to set up the differences and similarities with in the documents. The advantage of utilizing McMaster ‘s model is, it consist the guidelines of how to make full up the signifier which is convenient and utile for a novice research worker. A clean transcript of the signifier is attached in Appendix.5.3 Part three- Data Extraction StrategyThe consequence of the reappraisal depen ds on the extraction of the information from the primary documents searched. This means taking the relevant information which will reply to the inquiry. This is considered to be an of import measure in methodological analysis, since it has to keep the accurateness of the information every bit good. The extracted informations will be involved with the PIO elements which would largely look out for the Outcomes of it. And this will be helped with the consistent informations extraction signifier which will guarantee to maintain up the cogency. For the intra and inter-rater dependability, the two research workers will be pull outing informations from the included surveies and cross checking of the informations included in the tests with a 3rd research worker at manus to work out the originating struggles between them. Harmonizing to the PIO formatted construction, apart from roll uping information on population and Issue, since the result is the changing portion, colour codifications will be given to each result as subjects. Subjects are differentiated harmonizing to given subheadings, which will assist to maintain the order and evade confusions. Table 5.3.1 shows the informations extraction signifier which will be used for the reappraisal. Table 5.3.1 Data extraction signifier Date of informations extraction- Reviewer- Bibliographic inside informations of study- Purpose of study- Population- Sample selection- Number- Age-mean- Ethnicity- Religious activity- Type of disease/ disease condition- Issue- prostate malignant neoplastic disease Outcomes- Patients perceptual experience on the effects of treatments- blue Patients experiences on the condition- pink Patients identified factors lending to prostate cancer- ruddy With the aid of the above mentioned signifiers, this reappraisal will be conducted in an indifferent method guaranting the trustiness of it.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Gender Segregation in the Swedish Labour Market Essay

Introduction Sweden and the other Scandinavian countries are widely known for their strong commitment to equality between men and women. During the development of the welfare state the government supported women’s participation in the labor market. This resulted in a high rate of female employment in Sweden today. Regarding this, it is striking that the Swedish labor market has one of the highest degrees of gender segregation in the world and considerable gender inequalities. The roots for this segregation can be seen in the growing welfare state with women starting to work overall in the public and service sector in areas like health care and child-care while men still dominated in the private sector. Policies for women’s integration and several other government measures to desegregate the labor market were implemented and performed in the last years. However, today the gender segregation in Sweden is still at a higher level than in the majority of the other countries in Europe. Th is paper offers an analysis of the Swedish labor market regarding gender with an economical perspective. Occupational Gender Segregation Gender Segregation is one of the most discussed topics in Europe especially in Sweden. The segregation that will be analyzed in this paper can be seen as a result of multidimensional process which is manifested in differences in gender patterns of representation within occupations as well as within different employment contract groups and employment status ( , p. 2). â€Å"Gender segregation means that women and men to a certain extent work in different occupations or in different sectors or under different contractual terms and conditions† (ibid p. 2). The gender-based occupational segregation is both the â€Å"tendency for men and women to be employed in different occupations†, which is the horizontal segregation and the tendency to be employed in â€Å"different positions within the same occupation or occupational group†, the vertical segregation ( rt/publ/pdf/women.pdf#page=198, p. 191). To measure segregation, the Index of Dissimilarity (ID) is most widely used in the research literature and also in this paper. Its value ranges from 0, which is â€Å"no segregation with equal percent of women and men in each and every occupation† to 1, which is â€Å"complete segregation with female workers in occupations where there are no male workers† (idib., p. 196). It is important to include a discussion of division of work in the households when looking at gender segregation. In Scandinavian countries a two-bread-winner model is the norm with subcontracted work in the households. At the same time, the former typical women’s household work like caring for children, elderly and disabled people was and is more and more taken over by the public sector. This expanding public sector leads to new employments for women and has an impact on the gender segregation which is also worth to be examined ( , p. 2). Facts and figures Sweden has one of the highest female employment rates and a high female education level. At the same time, data indicate that Sweden’s gender segregation is decreasing in the labour market, but still at a high level (, p. 4). While the gender segregation for the European Union as a whole is still relatively high, the Mediterranean and eastern countries have a rather low segregation in comparison to the high-segregated Nordic countries (, p. 7). A closer look on the Swedish labour market reveals that, especially in the private sector, women are under-presented in jobs at a higher level and they usually have lower positions. Instead a great number of females is employed in the public sector and working part time. Moreover, women still perform two third of all their unpaid work at home (Gender equality and occupational segregation in Nordic labour markets, p. 190). In 1992 one half of all employed female employment worked in the public sector. Whereas, men employment was represented with one-quarter. In general, the labour force participation of women in Sweden is quiet strong. Already in 1990, female participation was at a level of 49,5% in comparison to lower levels in North America (45%) and to other European Countries (39% Gender equality and occupational segregation in Nordic labour markets, p. 194f.). Research proves that Sweden has a relatively high level of occupational segregation by sex. Although the ID decreased from 0,731 in 1970 to 0,641 in 1990, it is still higher than in other countries. The U.S.A. had an ID of 0,55 in 1990 and France 0,60. Furthermore the average of 14 non-Nordic OECD countries was 0,55 (idib, p. 197ff.) A later study of 15 EU members in 2000 shows the same tendency. It ranked Sweden on the second place after Finland according to the ID segregation index (, p. 32) Further research indicates a proportion of females in female-dominated occupations, which is relatively and absolutely high in comparison to the rest of the European countries except for Norway and Finland, which show a similar labour market structure as Sweden. While the percentage of female employments in occupations with more than 70% females decreased slightly from 72,9% to 69,2% from 1970 to 1970, the proportion of females employed in occupations with more than 90% female dominance even increased in these years from 37,5% to 42,2%. This female dominance is not typical for the rest of Europe. In 1990 the other 14 OECD countries had a percentage of 22% in the occupations with more than 80% females. This is significantly lower than the 58,2% in Sweden (idib, p. 199ff.) The examination of male employment in male-dominant occupations shows similar numbers. This result is, however, not atypical as Sweden is accompanied by the other OECD countries concerning this male dominance (idib, p. 202f.). More recent findings indicate that the female dominance in the public sector is still high. In 2000 the proportion of women’s employment in Sweden’s public sector was 62,1% in comparison to the EU average of 42,7% (, p. 28) â€Å"Female† and â€Å"male† occupations Due to the gender segregation some jobs are female dominated and others are known as typically male. The table shows the 10 most â€Å"feminized† occupations in Sweden (idib, p. 204). The occupations are associated with either caring, manual dexterity or are related to the typical household-work. On the first place rank â€Å"Dental assistants and other health workers†; in the second place come â€Å"Telephone switch board operators, etc.† and third are â€Å"House keeper in private service, childcare in families and at home†. Still male dominant are technical occupations like chemists and physicists in comparison to female laboratory assistants. Furthermore, typically female occupations can be found in the nursing and teaching area. However, the number of females in teaching decrease according to the rising level of teaching: 96% of pre-primary teachers are women in Nordic countries, but only 30% are female university teachers. Moreover, in the Nordic countries the same as in industrialized countries in general, women are over-represented in the service area (idib., p. 206ff). Vertical Segregation and wage inequalities Women in Sweden are concentrated in lower-paid and lower-status occupations. For instance only 40% of the shop managers are female, whereas 75% of the shop personnel are women (idib., p. 209). Furthermore, in 2000 women in higher level jobs as share of all women in employment was only 20,8% (, p. 27). Gender gap in earnings can be seen as a consequence of segregation. However, in Sweden the gap is lower than in other countries. While Sweden created many occupations in the public sector, the wage differences were compressed due to a huge influence of union federations and employer associations. Also laws have been established to secure equal pay for equal work. For this reason, the women forced into particular jobs do not earn much lower wages than men and the high level of gender segregation goes along with a relatively low wage gap (,+sweden&source=bl&ots=WME1izrf2g&sig=qxVvzUAEWzaeMrf4qVXbQatotHQ&hl=de&ei=9KL7TKP4HM_sOcaEndUK&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CGAQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=gender%20segregation%2C%20sweden&f=false, p. 20f.). In fact the gap between earnings is significantly smaller in comparison to other countries. In general women’s wages are relatively high, but still lower than men’s. This is also due to many women working in the public sector where the wages are lower than in the private sector. Another analysis by the European Comission in 2002 shows the women’s wages as a percentage of men’s. In typical male occupations like engine man, skilled or garden worker women earn only 95% to 98% of men’s wage. However, inequalities also exist the other way round. In typical female occupations like nurses or child minder men earn less than women. Women earn up to 105% of men’s wage. It can be stated that differences and inequalities exist, but concerning the wages they are not significant (, p. 80). Impact of increasing female employment on gender segregation The development of the last centuries in the European Union (15 members) does not show a trade-off between increasing segregation and increasing female employment. However, with focus on the short and medium run or with cross country comparison the opposite was found: In particular in the 1990s, there is evidence of a positive correlation between high female employment rates and gender segregation in the labour market on a more or less temporary basis. These study results were also due to the nordic countries including Sweden with their high degree of segregation and high-employment. One reason for this is the common Swedish family which has two breadwinners. With both parents working it is usually the woman who has to work in a â€Å"family friendly occupation† with flexible schedules. For this reason, the positive effect of rising women’s employment in order to drive desegregation may only exist in the long term. (, p. 3,, p. 35ff.). Government measures Concluding remarks and preview Segregation is not only harmful and discriminating for the people affected by it, but it is also undesirable in high developed and progressive societies. Also the efficiency of the labor market as a whole can be affected negatively. It is highly reasonable that Sweden and the EU take measures to improve equality in the labor market. However, segregation also has a positive side. Some argue that it protects women’s employment from male competition and upholds demand for female labor. The public sector also offer more secure employment especially between 1992 and 1994. This advantage for women is now diminished due to reorganization of the public sector. (Gender equality and occupational segregation in Nordic labour markets Von Helinà ¤ Melkas,Richard Anker,International Labour Office, p. 191).

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Children s Eating Habits And Weight - 1088 Words

Household income also shows associations with food availability and indirectly influences children s eating habits and weight (e.g., Anderson et al., 1998; Mei et al., 1998). Between 1977–1978 and 1987–1988, lower income households reduced their vegetable consumption by 22%, as compared to only a 12% reduction among the highest income households (Lutz, Blaylock, Smallwood, 1993). Collectively, these findings suggest that healthy foods are expensive and require more time to prepare. Dual-worker or single parent households may not have the time to prepare healthy meals and low income families may not have reliable sources of income to regularly provide healthy foods. Thus, although food availability in the home sets the stage for children s food intake and eating habits, food availability itself is affected by parents time and income. s from a variety of disciplines (e.g., pediatric nutrition, epidemiology) demonstrate that childhood obesity is not caused by one thing; rather, obesity results from the interplay of multiple factors. For instance, family demographics (Mei, et al., 1998) parenting beliefs and practices (Birch Fisher, 1995; Johnson Birch, 1994), and child television viewing and physical activity (Anderson, Crespo, Bartlett, Cheskin, Pratt, 1998; Ross Pate, 1987) have all evidenced associations with behaviors that can lead to early obesity and with child obesity itself. The current study addresses these constructs in an ecological frameworkShow MoreRelatedStrengths Case Study1448 Words   |  6 Pagesand restraint have children whose weight gain is less. 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